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The King James 1611 Authorize Bible


In addition to using the KJB, Styly William Hayward believes it to be the inspired word of God. that there isn't an English translation, with the exception of the Geneva Bible with footnotes, of any current Bible that was penned by the Holy Spirit, given the Father's blessing, and sealed with Christ's blood. It must be the King James 1611 Authorized Bible. Because one was discovered in a garbage can and ought to remain there.


I only use, read, study from, and carry the King James 1611 Authorized Bible. With the exception of the men's printing process, I am certain it is error-free. I am confident that all of the pages—including any later-added chapter and verse markings—were inspired by the Holy Spirit.


The King James 1611 Authorized Bible is the only available word of God to man. No other compares. For all others of the English language are of the enemy. The great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


I have guided many brothers and sisters in the LORD out of their contemporary perversions and into the true word of God, the King James 1611 Authorized Bible, in my many years as a born-again Bible-believing, saved Christian, fundamental independent fashioned Methodist Baptist.


Understand completely that I have been drugged, ill, subjected to torture, in anguish, and compelled to make that plea, oath, or rave if I ever chant, rave, or swear to any modern bible on the market instead of the King James 1611 Authorized Bible. Where the word of a king is, there is power, so I could never swear loyalty to any other bible translation than the King James 1611 Authorized Bible and still be in my right mind or walk with God faithfully.

Styly William Hayward D.D.

August 28, 2020


The book, the Bible, the black cover, is marked by my sins. The pages are white, for I have been made pure by the Blood of Jesus Christ (red letters) alone. The gold edges are the royalty of the Almighty God the Father and the street of that faithful city-New Jerusalem.


Who has recorded his words and heard my recordings? The tears are scars left by the suffering, anguish, and loss of life. sweat stains from working in the fields and writing in the book, notes from every lesson learned and thirst for knowledge, and a reliance on God, His Son, and His Word



2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


The King James 1611 Bible
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