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  1. Ah Sinful Nation. Is. 1

  2. Wash You Make You Clean... Isaiah 1

  3. Millennial Peace under Jesus Christ. Isaiah 2

  4. Pride Reproved and Idols Abolish. Isaiah 2

  5. Women and Children Leaders. Isaiah 3

  6. The Woman Liken To A Car. Isaiah 3

  7. A Covert From Storm And From Rain. Isaiah 4

  8. His Vineyard and Wild Grapes. Isaiah 5

  9. Despised The Word Of The Holy One Of Israel. Isaiah 5

  10. His Train Filled The Temple. Isaiah 6

  11. A Virgin Shall Conceive Isaiah 7

  12. Briers And Thorns. Isaiah 7

  13. Ye Shall Be Broken In Pieces. Isaiah 8

  14. A Child Is Born, Unto Us A Son Is Given. Isaiah 9

  15. The Prophet That Teacheth Lies, He Is The Tail. Isaiah 9

  16. O Assyrian, The Rod Of Mine Anger… Isaiah 10

  17. The Lord GOD Of Hosts Shall Make A Consumption. Isaiah 10

  18. The Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Isaiah 11

  19. With Joy Shall Ye Draw Water Out Of The Wells Of Salvation. Isaiah 12

  20. Pain As A Woman That Travaileth Isaiah 13

  21. It Shall Never Be Inhabited. Isaiah 13

  22. Lucifer. Isaiah 14

  23. I Will Sweep It With The Besom Of Destruction. Isaiah 14

  24. There Is No Green Thing. Isaiah 15

  25. We Have Heard Of The Pride Of Moab. Isaiah 16

  26. Shall A Man Look To His Maker. Isaiah 17

  27. I Will Take My Rest, And I Will Consider In My Dwelling Place. Isaiah 18

  28. The Egyptians Shall Know The LORD. Isaiah 19

  29. Lead Away The Egyptians Prisoners. Isaiah 20

  30. Watchman, What Of The Night? Isaiah 21

  31. A Tumultuous City, A Joyous City. Isaiah 22

  32. Tyre, The Crowning City. Isaiah 23

  33. There Is A Crying For Wine In The Streets. Isaiah 24

  34. The Fate of mother Earth. Isaiah 24

  35. Thou Art My God; I Will Exalt Thee. Isaiah 25

  36. Awake And Sing, Ye That Dwell In Dust. Isaiah 26

  37. Jacob To Take Root: Israel Shall Blossom And Bud. Isaiah 27

  38. The Crown Of Pride, To The Drunkards Of Ephraim. Isaiah 28

  39. Removed Their Heart Far From Me. Isaiah 29

  40. That They May Add Sin To Sin. Isaiah 30

  41. For The People Shall Dwell In Zion At Jerusalem. Isaiah 30

  42. Neither Seek The LORD! Isaiah 31

  43. Fruitful Field. Isaiah 32

  44. The LORD Is Our King; He Will Save Us. Isaiah 33

  45. Unicorns, Satyr, Owls, and Vultures in Edom. Isaiah 34

  46. The Way Of Holiness; The Unclean Shall Not Pass Over It. Isaiah 35

  47. The Great King, The King Of Assyria. Isaiah 36

  48. Hezekiah Received The Letter …  Went Up Unto The House Of The LORD, And Spread It Before The LORD. Isaiah 37

  49. The House Of Nisroch His God. Isaiah 37

  50. The Sun Returned Ten Degrees. Isaiah 38

  51. All That Is In Mine House Have They Seen. Isaiah 39

  52. The Crooked Shall Be Made Straight. Isaiah 40

  53. To whom then will ye liken God? Isaiah 40

  54. The Holy One Of Israel. Isaiah 41

  55. Behold My Servant… In Whom My Soul Delighteth. Isaiah 42

  56. Ye Are My Witnesses, Saith The LORD, That I Am God. Isaiah 43

  57. The Residue Thereof He Maketh A god. Isaiah 44

  58. The LORD That Created The Heavens; God Himself That Formed The Earth And Made It; He Hath Established It. Isaiah 45

  59. To Whom Will Ye Liken Me. Isaiah 46

  60. Thou That Art Given To Pleasures. Isaiah 47

  61. I Have Even From The Beginning Declared It To Thee. Isaiah 48

  62. The Redeemer Of Israel, And His Holy One, To Him Whom Man Despiseth. Isaiah 49

  63. Behold, For Your Iniquities Have Ye Sold Yourselves. Isaiah 50.

  64. Ye That Seek The LORD: Look Unto The Rock Whence Ye Are Hewn. Isaiah 51

  65. That Publisheth Salvation; That Saith Unto Zion, Thy God Reigneth! Isaiah 52

  66. He Was Wounded… He Was Bruised… And With His Stripes We Are Healed. Isaiah 53

  67. Enlarge The Place Of Thy Tent. Isaiah 54

  68. He That Hath No Money; Come Ye, Buy, And Eat; Yea, Come… Isaiah 55

  69. For Mine House Shall Be Called An House Of Prayer For All People. Isaiah 56

  70. To Revive The Heart Of The Contrite Ones. Isaiah 57

  71. Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet. Isaiah 58

  72. Your Iniquities Have Separated Between You And Your God. Isaiah 59

  73. Thou Shalt Call Thy Walls Salvation, And Thy Gates Praise. Isaiah 60

  74. Jesus and The Book of Isaiah. Isaiah 61

  75. Say Ye To The Daughter Of Zion, Behold, Thy Salvation Cometh. Isaiah 62

  76. The 2nd Advent of Jesus Christ, The Lion Roars. Isaiah 63

  77. All Our Righteousnesses Are As Filthy Rags. Isaiah 64

  78. I Am Holier Than Thou, Isaiah 65

  79. Whom His Mother Comforteth, So Will I Comfort You. Isaiah 66


I Ordained Thee A Prophet Unto The Nations. Jeremiah 1

  1. The Pastors Also Transgressed Against Me. Jeremiah 2

  2. For Though Thou Wash Thee With Nitre, And Take Thee Much Soap. Jeremiah 2

  3. Return, Thou Backsliding Israel, Saith The LORD. Jeremiah 3

  4. The LORD Liveth, In Truth, In Judgment, And In Righteousness. Jeremiah 4

  5. The Gap Theory and Face Painting. Jeremiah 4

  6. Refused. Jeremiah 5

  7. Your Sins Have Withholden Good Things From You. Jeremiah 5

  8. Saying, Peace, Peace; When There Is No Peace. Jeremiah 6

  9. Neither Could They Blush. Jeremiah 6

  10. Trust Ye Not In Lying Words. Jeremiah 7

  11. To Make Cakes To The Queen Of Heaven. Jeremiah 7

  12. Again… Neither Could They Blush. Jeremiah 8

  13. They Are Not Valiant For The Truth Upon The Earth. Jeremiah 9

  14. They Deck It With Silver And With Gold. Jeremiah 10

  15. Their Trouble. Jeremiah 11

  16. Will Bring Them Again. Jeremiah 12

  17. The Girdle Was Marred. Jeremiah 13

  18. The Prophets Prophesy Lies In My Name. Jeremiah 14

  19. Manasseh. Jeremiah 15

  20. Their Widows Are Increased To Me Above The Sand Of The Seas… Jeremiah 15

  21. They Shall Be As Dung Upon The Face Of The Earth. Jeremiah 16.

  22. Cursed Be The Man That Trusteth In Man. Blessed Is The Man That Trusteth In The LORD Jeremiah 17

  23. The Potter's House. Jeremiah 18

  24. Even So Will I Break This People And This City, As One Breaketh A Potter's Vessel. Jeremiah 19

  25. Nor Speak Any More In His Name. But… Jeremiah 20

  26. I Set Before You The Way Of Life, And The Way Of Death. Jeremiah 21

  27. Execute Ye Judgment And Righteousness. Jeremiah 22

  28. Caused My People Israel To Err. Jeremiah 23

  29. For Ye Have Perverted The Words Of The Living God. Jeremiah 23

  30. Such A Naughty Child... Be Careful! Jeremiah 24

  31. Because Ye Have Not Heard My Words… Jeremiah 25

  32. Take The Wine Cup Of This Fury At My Hand. Jeremiah 25

  33. All The Words That I Command Thee To Speak Unto Them; Diminish Not A Word. Jeremiah 26

  34. They Prophesy A Lie Unto You. Jeremiah 27

  35. Thou Makest This People To Trust In A Lie. Jeremiah 28

  36. The Words Of The Letter That Jeremiah The Prophet. Jeremiah 29

  37. They Have Not Hearkened To My Words, Saith The LORD. Jeremiah 29

  38. The time of Jacob's trouble. Jeremiah 30

  39. I Will Build Thee, And Thou Shalt Be Built, O Virgin Of Israel. Jeremiah 31

  40. I Will Make A New Covenant With The House Of Israel, And With The House Of Judah. Jeremiah 31

  41. Evidence Of The Purchase. Jeremiah 32

  42. They Shall Be My People, And I Will Be Their God. Jeremiah 32

  43. The Branch Of Righteousness. Jeremiah 33

  44. Proclaiming Liberty Every Man To His Neighbour. Jeremiah 34

  45. The House Of The Rechabites. Jeremiah 35

  46. The Originals. Jeremiah 36

  47. Jeremiah Was Entered Into The Dungeon. Jeremiah 37

  48. Jeremiah Sunk In The Mire. Jeremiah 38

  49. Moreover he put out Zedekiah's eyes. Jeremiah 39

  50. Because Ye Have Sinned Against The LORD, And Have Not Obeyed His Voice. Jeremiah 40

  51. Ishmael Also Slew. Jeremiah 41

  52. If Ye Will Still Abide In This Land… But If Ye Say, We Will Not Dwell In This Land… Jeremiah 42

  53. Take Great Stones In Thine Hand. Jeremiah 43

  54. An Abomination, The Queen Of Heaven. Jeremiah 44

  55. Baruch The Son Of Neriah. Jeremiah 45

  56. Order Ye The Buckler And Shield, And Draw Near To Battle. Jeremiah 46

  57. How Can It Be Quiet? Jeremiah 47

  58. Cursed Be He That Doeth The Work Of The LORD Deceitfully. Jeremiah 48

  59. Thou Shalt Not Go Unpunished. Jeremiah 49

  60. My People Hath Been Lost Sheep. Jeremiah 50

  61. O Thou Most Proud. Jeremiah 50

  62. Babylon Is Suddenly Fallen And Destroyed. Jeremiah 51

  63. Thus Shall Babylon Sink. Jeremiah 51

  64. The Fifth Month, In The Tenth Day Of The Month, Which Was The Nineteenth Year of Nebuchadnezzar. Jeremiah 52

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