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  2. The Creator That is God Genesis 1

  3. First Time A Word Is Found Genesis 1

  4. From the Garden of Eden to the Perfect Marriage Genesis 2

  5. Man Comes To Know Good and Evil and is Now a Sinner Genesis 3

  6. The First for Mankind Murder, City, Polygamy, Music, Metal Workers all of Cain Genesis 4

  7. Death Rapture and Noah Genesis 5

  8. So Did He Genesis 6

  9. The Flood Comes Genesis 7

  10. In and Out of the Ark Genesis 8

  11. Capital Punishment and Drunken Nakedness Genesis 9

  12. Shem, Ham, Japheth Family Tree Genesis 10

  13. Languages and Babel, Shem's Line to Abram Genesis 11

  14. Abram Goes Into Egypt Genesis 12

  15. Lot Leaves, God Speaks Genesis 14

  16. The Bible's First World War Genesis 14

  17. Promise of the Seed and the Land Genesis 15

  18. Ishmael Conceived and Born Genesis 16

  19. Circumcise Genesis 17

  20. God Comes Down and Abraham Prays for Lot Genesis 18

  21. Lot is Spared as Sodom and Gomorrah is Destroyed Genesis 19

  22. The Mess Abraham Caused in Gerar Genesis 20

  23. Issac Conceived, Born, Circumcised, Weaned and Ishmael is Cast Out Genesis 21

  24. The Scene of Calvary in Genesis 22

  25. The First Buryingplace Genesis 23

  26. The Search For A Bride Genesis 24

  27. Bride For Isaac Genesis 24

  28. All Gone For Beans Genesis 25

  29. Like Father, Like Son Genesis 26

  30. Halloween Trick or Treat for a Blessing Genesis 27

  31. Off To Laban Genesis 28

  32. The Twelve Tribes of Israel Begins as Jacob Reaps Genesis 29

  33. The Eleven Children of Jacob and How They Were Name Genesis 30

  34. Jacob's Trouble Under Laban Genesis 31

  35. Here Comes Esau Genesis 33

  36. Jacob Meets Esau Genesis 33

  37. Dinah and Her Brothers Genesis 34

  38. Going Back To Bethel Genesis 35

  39. Dukes of Esau Genesis 36

  40. Joseph and His Brethren Genesis 37

  41. Satan Tries to Stop Judah to Jesus Christ Genesis 38

  42. The Character of Joseph Genesis 39

  43. Grapes and Baskets Genesis 40

  44. What A Wonderful Chapter Genesis 41

  45. You Are Spies, My Brothers Genesis 42

  46. Dinner With Joseph. Genesis 43

  47. Substitutionary Atonement Genesis 44

  48. The Revealing of Joseph To His Brethren Genesis 45

  49. Jacob Enters Into Egypt Genesis 46

  50. Taxation by Joseph Genesis 47

  51. Ephraim and Manasseh Genesis 48

  52. Blessing of the Twelve Sons of Israel Gen 49

  53. Death of Jacob and Joseph Genesis 50

  1. EXODUS​
  2. Killing of Jewish Babies, History Repeats Itself Exodus 1
  3. Moses Type of Jesus Christ Exodus 2
  4. Moses Called By God Exodus 3
  5. For the Jews require a sign, Exodus 4
  6. There is no rebar, Pharaoh Exodus 5
  7. Moses ' Family and Pharaoh Will Not Listen Exodus 6
  8. Apep and Hapi gods Attacked by God Exodus 7
  9. Frogs, Lice, and Flies Exodus 8
  10. Anthrax, Boils, Hail, Lightning, Rain, and Fire Exodus 9
  11. Locusts, Thick Darkness and No Go Exodus 10
  12. One Last Plague Coming Exodus 11
  13. Freedom By The Lamb's Blood Exodus 12
  14. The Firstborn is God's, Humans to be Redeem Exodus 13
  15. Into The Midst of The Sea Upon Dry Ground Exodus 14
  16. A Song and Then A Gripe Exodus 15
  17. The Sabbath as Law for Jews Exodus 16
  18. Amalek Exodus 17
  19. US Court System Based From The Bible Exodus 18
  20. Here Comes The Law Exodus 19
  21. Thou Shalt Not Exodus 20
  22. Liability & Death Penalty Exodus 21
  23. Accountability Exodus 22
  24. There are more Thou shalt not Exodus 23
  25. We Will Do but You Cannot Do The Law Exodus 24
  26. Giving, Built The Tabernacle and Furniture Exodus 25
  27. The Tent, The Tabernacle Exodus 26
  28. From The Brazen Altar to The Lamp Keep The Light Burning Exodus 27
  29. The Clothing of the Ministering Priest Exodus 28
  30. The High Priest Aaron and Jesus Christ Exodus 29
  31. Prayer How Pure It Is if It The Right Prayer Exodus 30
  32. Who Are The Builders of The Tabernacle Why and Who The Sabbath Exodus 31
  33. Idols Make God Angry Exodus 32
  34. No Man Can See My Face, But Stand In The Rock Exodus 33
  35. One More Time Exodus 34
  36. Willing Giving of The Heart Exodus 35
  37. Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding Exodus 36
  38. The Cherubims of The Mercy Seat and The Four Beast Exodus 37
  39. The Tabernacle Finished. Exodus 38
  40. Priestly Wear and Exodus and Revelation Exodus 39
  41. Finished The Work, It Is Finished. Exodus 40
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