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  1. Four Living Creatures. Ezekiel 1

  2. The Appearance Of The Wheels And Their Work. Ezekiel 1

  3. The Likeness Of A Throne. Ezekiel 1

  4. For They Are Impudent Children And Stiffhearted. Ezekiel 2

  5. It Was In My Mouth As Honey For Sweetness. Ezekiel 3

  6. I Have Made Thy Face Strong Against Their Faces. Ezekiel 3

  7. I Have Made Thee A Watchman. Ezekiel 3

  8. Behold, They Shall Put Bands Upon Thee, And Shall Bind Thee With Them. Ezekiel 3

  9. Son Of Man, Take Thee A Tile. Ezekiel 4

  10. Make Thee Bread Thereof. Ezekiel 4

  11. Take Thee A Barber's Rasor, And Cause It To Pass Upon Thine Head And Upon Thy Beard. Ezekiel 5

  12. Ye Mountains Of Israel, Hear The Word Of The Lord GOD. Ezekiel 6

  13. An Evil, An Only Evil, Behold, Is Come. Ezekiel 7

  14. They Shall Cast Their Silver In The Streets, And Their Gold Shall Be Removed. Ezekiel 7

  15. The Seat Of The Image Of Jealousy. Ezekiel 8

  16. The Chambers Of His Imagery. Ezekiel 8

  17. Women Weeping For Tammuz. Ezekiel 8

  18. Set A Mark Upon The Foreheads Of The Men. Ezekiel 9

  19. A Writer's Inkhorn By His Side. Ezekiel 9

  20. And Every One Had Four Faces. Ezekiel 10

  21. This City Is The Caldron. Ezekiel 11

  22. I Will Give Them One Heart, And I Will Put A New Spirit Within You. Ezekiel 11

  23. Eyes To See, And See Not. Ezekiel 12

  24. The Days Are Prolonged. The Days Are At Hand. Ezekiel 12

  25. Lying Divination. Ezekiel 13

  26. Hunt The Souls. Ezekiel 13

  27. Set Up Their Idols In Their Heart. Ezekiel 14

  28. Noah, Daniel, and Job. Ezekiel 14

  29. The Vine Tree. Ezekiel 15

  30. Thy Birth And Thy Nativity Is Of The Land Of Canaan. Ezekiel 16

  31. Playedst The Harlot. Ezekiel 16

  32. That They May See All Thy Nakedness. Ezekiel 16

  33. This Was The Iniquity Of Thy Sister Sodom. Ezekiel 16

  34. Put Forth A Riddle, And Speak A Parable. Ezekiel 17

  35. Wherefore Turn Yourselves, And Live Ye. Ezekiel 18

  36. What Is Thy Mother? A Lioness. Ezekiel 19

  37. Polluted. Ezekiel 20

  38. Are Ye Polluted After The Manner Of Your Fathers? Ezekiel 20

  39. Sword. Ezekiel 21

  40. Wilt Thou Judge The Bloody City. Ezekiel 22

  41. Into The Midst Of The Furnace. Ezekiel 22

  42. Samaria Is Aholah, And Jerusalem Aholibah. Ezekiel 23

  43. Paintedst Thy Eyes. Ezekiel 23

  44. To The Pot Whose Scum Is Therein. Ezekiel 24

  45. The Desire Of Thine Eyes. Ezekiel 24

  46. Against. Ezekiel 25

  47. A Lamentation For Tyrus. Ezekiel 27

  48. With Bitterness Of Heart And Bitter Wailing. Ezekiel 27

  49. Thou Hast Said, I Am A God. Ezekiel 28

  50. Thou Art The Anointed Cherub That Covereth. Ezekiel 28

  51. I Will Send Into Her Pestilence, And Blood Into Her Streets. Ezekiel 28

  52. The Great Dragon That Lieth In The Midst Of His Rivers. Ezekiel 29

  53. Even The Day Of The LORD Is Near, A Cloudy Day. Ezekiel 30

  54. The Trees Of The Field. Ezekiel 31

  55. Lamentation For Pharaoh King Of Egypt. Ezekiel 32

  56. Go Down Into The Pit. Ezekiel 32

  57. The Watchman. Ezekiel 33

  58. They Hear Thy Words, But They Will Not Do Them. Ezekiel 33

  59. So Will I Seek Out My Sheep. Ezekiel 34

  60. I Will Judge Between Cattle And Cattle. Ezekiel 34

  61. Against Mount Seir. Ezekiel 35

  62. And Will Do Better Unto You Than At Your Beginnings. Ezekiel 36

  63. A New Heart Also Will I Give You. Ezekiel 36

  64. The Valley Which Was Full Of Bones. Ezekiel 37

  65. Join Them One To Another Into One Stick. Ezekiel 37

  66. Gog, The Land Of Magog. Ezekiel 38

  67. Shall Set On Fire And Burn The Weapons. Ezekiel 39

  68. I Will Set My Glory Among The Heathen. Ezekiel 39

  69. Declare All That Thou Seest To The House Of Israel. Ezekiel 40

  70. The Porch Of The Gate. Ezekiel 40

  71. He Brought Me To The Temple. Ezekiel 41

  72. They Be Holy Chambers. Ezekiel 42

  73. And His Voice Was Like A Noise Of Many Waters. Ezekiel 43

  74. The Altar. Ezekiel 43

  75. This Gate Shall Be Shut. Ezekiel 44

  76. Neither Shall. Ezekiel 44

  77. Holy Portion Of The Land. Ezekiel 45

  78. Ye Shall Have Just Balances. Ezekiel 45

  79. But On The Sabbath It Shall Be Opened. Ezekiel 46

  80. Waters Issued Out From Under The Threshold Of The House. Ezekiel 47

  81. The Border Of The Land. Ezekiel 47

  82. By The Border Of. Ezekiel 48

  83. By The Border Of. Ezekiel 48 II

  1. Now among these were of the children of Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. Daniel 1

  2. None Like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, And Azariah. Daniel 1

  3. I Have Dreamed A Dream. Daniel 2

  4. God In Heaven That Revealeth Secrets. Daniel 2

  5. This Great Image. Daniel 2

  6. The Dedication Of The Image. Daniel 3

  7. Our God Whom We Serve Is Able To Deliver. Daniel 3

  8. The Form Of The Fourth Is Like The Son Of God. Daniel 3

  9. Came Forth Of The Midst Of The Fire. Daniel 3

  10. I Saw A Dream Which Made Me Afraid. Daniel 4

  11. Let His Heart Be Changed From Man's, And Let A Beast's Heart Be Given Unto Him. Daniel 4

  12. Nebuchadnezzar Praise And Extol And Honour The King Of Heaven. Daniel 4

  13. Came Forth Fingers Of A Man's Hand, And Wrote. Daniel 5 

  14. I Will Read The Writing Unto The King. Daniel 5

  15. In That Night Was Belshazzar The King Of The Chaldeans Slain. Daniel 5

  16. The Presidents. Daniel 6

  17. When A Child of God Can Break The Law. Daniel 6

  18. Hast Thou Not Signed A Decree. Daniel 6

  19. Shut The Lions' Mouths. Daniel 6

  20. And Four Great Beasts. Daniel 7

  21. And Four Great Beasts. II Daniel 7

  22. And Four Great Beasts. III Daniel 7

  23. The Truth Of The Fourth Beast. Daniel 7 

  24. The Ram And The He Goat. Daniel 8

  25. The Ram And He Goat Interpreted. Daniel 8

  26. To Seek By Prayer And Supplications. Daniel 9

  27. To Seek By Prayer And Supplications II. Daniel 9

  28. Seventy Weeks. Daniel 9

  29. Daniel 9:24.

  30. Daniel 9:25

  31. See The Abomination Of Desolation, Spoken Of By Daniel The Prophet. Daniel 9

  32. The Thing Was True. Daniel 10

  33. I Am Come For Thy Words. Daniel 10

  34. The King Of The South. Daniel 11

  35. The King Of The South And His Son. Daniel 11

  36. The Antichrist, He, Him, And They. Daniel 11

  37. The End of The Antichrist. Daniel 11

  38. The Time Of The End. Daniel 12

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