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Styly William Hayward D.D.
Brief Testimony


I was born on September 6, 1968, and was born again April of 1987. My name is Styly William Hayward, D.D. I'm a graduate of Kettering, Ohio's Charity Baptist Institute. Dr. Greg Estep, the president, has graduated into the realm of glory, and the institution is closed. I'm a theology Doctoral student. I've worked as a Sunday school teacher, jail chaplain, street preacher, public minister, home church, and online minister. I rather be titled Styly William Hayward D.D., then to be titled Dr. Styly William Hayward.


I have personally and with my family studied, taught, and outlined every chapter of the 66 books of the King James 1611 Bible. We are now, having returned to Genesis, in the Gospel of Matthew. I studied all of the Bible books in school and was instructed in many of them. Many but not all my classes were preservation of the bible, occults, family, rightly dividing, life of Christ, theology, local church, the preacher and his preaching, problems in ministry, problem text, major denominations, apologetics, church history, missions, counseling, typology, music philosophy, the King James Bible, Evolution Science Philosophy, Two Babylonians, Scientific Creation, Hyles Church Manual, Spurgeon’s lectors, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, and Advance Rightly Dividing, The Doctrine of Salvation (Soteriology), History and Authenticity of the Bible, The History of Redemption, Searching for the Truth on Origins, The Attributes of God, and The Doctrine of Christ (Christology).


In the institute and private studies, I have written many commentaries, essays, and reports. Present projects are the Genesis and Jeremiah commentaries. Presently, I am writing a book, Men and Women in the Bible, Vol. Genesis Only use the Bible for research, not other sources. Jehovah Witness tract, Mary-Tammuz Mass, Easter in Disguise, Fool Study, Jonah, Soul Winning Lessons, Gospel of Luke, The Book of Proverbs, Essay on Balaam, Book of Ruth, II John, Santa Claus, Should a Christian celebrate Christmas? The Bible, and in the institute, I had to write 8,000 and 12,000 word papers with classroom reports and essays on the present classroom agenda. Presently, today, I have 3,352 Youtube videos of me preaching and teaching. Many of my earlier recorded outlines were lost in earlier Sermonet Many more were not recorded. From the prison ministries were years of messages.


I was saved in April 1987 in my grandparents' living room. 773 Broad Street Ext., Waterford, CT. With brothers, Joseph Caswell and Joseph Whitmore, and witnessed by my Grandma and Grandpa Pukas and my brother Frank Hayward, on Saturday, July 25th, in the afternoon. Throughout the year, Grandma had pestered me often to come to her church, over and over. Finally, to shut her up, I attended the first Baptist church I ever went to, the Open Door Baptist Church in Pawcatuck, CT, with Brother Frank Spaulding, the pastor. This was on the 19th. After being convicted afterward, Grandma set me up to meet with the church on the 25th.  With a King James 1611 Bible and explained to me that I was a sinner going to Hell and I did not want to go to Hell. I knelt down at grandma’s coffee table and trusted Jesus Christ as my Saviour.


Where did the man, Styly William Hayward, come from and what is his story? I am a product of God and have been an enemy of the Devil from birth. No, I am not special, just that I believe God has a calling for me and Satan has tried often to interrupt it. My parents were not religious. My dad was into adultery, intoxication, and material goods. My mom is a loving, hardworking, and dedicated wife and mother. I have an older brother, Frank, who lived with my grandparents from a very early age. My second brother, I forget the year, was born on Oct. 13th, a Friday, and died that day. My mom never saw Robert. My mom and dad met at the old McDonald’s in New London, CT, which I am pleased to remember the restaurant before it was torn down and rebuilt. Mom loved Dad, and Dad was a wild one, wild in the mindset of ideas and materialism.


On September 6, 1968, my father had just got back to work after being on strike. He worked as a pipefitter for General Dynamics, Electric Boat, and submarines. He helped with the U.S.S. Nautlius' refit, the same submarine that was the first to reach the North Pole. They called Frank C. Hayward into the office. Cheryl A. Hayward, his wife, was giving birth at the Lawrence & Memorial Hospital in New London, Connecticut. I was an unplanned pregnancy, and my mother was taking the pill. My initial justification was that God desired me.


I was 33 weeks into a normal 40-week pregnancy and was brought into this world at 4 lbs. and 11 oz. My dad is 28 years old and my mom is 20 years old. I spent the rest of the year 1968 in a hospital incubator. On September 21, my mom was able to feed me for the first time. My naval ruptured in my first operation for a retractable hernia in November 1968. Feb 1969, Hong Kong, Con Flu, temp 105, respiratory phenomena. rushed to the hospital with a temperature of 106' I should have drowned at Gardener’s Lake, but God moved (no other reason) the swimming raft to save me. I got into an unknown, even analzed, acid which burned my thighs, having passed out, waking in the tub with my mom washing me. In my teens, I had a drunken man hold a loaded, safety off, hand on the trigger pistol to my head. I was sitting on dad’s tool box in an old 1968 Ford pickup. Turning the corner, me and the tools went flying into the street. Dad at the old Bradlees watched as I and Kitty, my dog, were driving the truck down the hill in the parking lot and I shifted the truck into neutral. In elementary school, I had a stranger walk me home for whatever reason or attempt. He and Mom had words, and Mom was very scared. In the blizzard of 1978, Styly was in a huge snowdrift with only his feet sticking out. His mom and grandma heard him screaming from closed windows. How God must have protected me from street racing and wild, crazy driving. These are some of the many reasons Satan wanted me gone and God had a few protection angels.


On January 26, 1969, at Saint Mary’s Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church, I was baptized, witnessed by my godparents, Mr. Henry P. Pukas and Mrs. Helen J. Pukas. My mom was not religious, but my grandfather was. Across the street from Saint Mary’s was the First Baptist Church of New London (Southern Baptist), where Grandma was a member. When did Grandma stop going? Grandpa and Grandma met at the old Sheffield war ammunition factory in WWII. Grandpa was a US Naval Seabee. In the Pacific islands, where he served in WWII. They had another daughter, Debra, in addition to Cheryl. My grandparents were clean; no outside mart but outright rebellion against God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Helen Janet Dayton was born into a prominent family in Waterford and New London. One of her sisters married a minister.


The Haywards, not much was known. Grandma Hayward is from Bar Harbor, Maine. Her family came from Canada. Grandpa Styly L. Hayward was a farmer growing up in Willingmantic CT. His family is direct of England to Massachusetts then to Connecticut. He later went to the saw mill to work. For what reasoning, the stories of grandpa, do not match grandma’s. Styly Lawrence Hayward was my grandpa. He suffered from lung disease from the dust of the sawmills. He died in the 1970s. it was me that brought the police officers to my mom, for them to tell her the news. I don’t remember much about grandpa.


Grandpa and Grandma Hayward had six children. Their first born was named Styly S. Hayward. or Junior, as referred to. The US census has numerous spellings (Style, Stylz, Stuly, Stlyly, but Social Security- Styly) of Grandpa Styly, but Uncle Styly was as such. In August 1987, Uncle Styly died in a motor vehicle accident in California. I was named for him, not my grandpa. Where did ‘Styly’ come from? Grandma said Grandpa’s doctor who delivered him was Dr. Styles. That Grandpa was illiterate and misspelled, but the US census states Grandpa went to school into his teens. I just learned another ‘lie’ today. My dad told me when Styly died, my uncle Billy’s wife, Sandra, was pregnant and my mom. That Billy, and he planned to name the next son, Styly. Uncle Styly died on August 11, 1968. My cousin, Billy, was born on August 23, 1968, and I was born on September 6, 1968. There are many lies or errors in my name…  By the way, STYLY, is a name of Real metaverse platform and is the last name Styly that was and died out in England.


Grandpa Pukas' parents, Stephen and Anna, came to America through Ellis Island on the SS Nieuw Amsterdam. Grandpa was born in Raki, Poland. Grandma was born Lex Staroacinaski in Poland. They came to America on December 30, 1936. They came to New London and joined a Polish Catholic church in New London, Saint Peter and Paul Catholic Church. How did Grandpa end up at Saint Mary’s? HA! Peter, Paul, and Mary. I was told that Grandpa Hayward never went to church. Grandma Hayward took her six children to Groton Bible Baptist Church with Pastor David Ward. It is now a modern, non-denominational bible. Anyway, I have heard stories of my uncle Billy and my dad jumping out of the Sunday school room windows and jumping into the railroad cars. Many years ago, I ran into a brother in Christ, Joseph Shasha, who told me he witnessed to the Hayward family often. He did not truly believe Grandpa Hayward and my dad were saved. Why did my aunt and my mom leave the church? That is the basic religious background of my family. I would go to Catholic Church with grandpa, until one day I was given the option and chose no more church.


There is a member of the Hayward family, Stephan Hawkins, who was a survivalist and was aboard the Mayflower. Sorry, he was not a Pilgrim, but a heathen. Being arrested for breaking the Sabbath, gambling, and selling intoxicating liquors - spirits. This is funny because, during the Probition Period, the Pukas’ made homemade moonshine. My great-grandpa, grandpa, and uncle Joe, made moonshine and distributed it.

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