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  1. The Line of King Jesus Matthew 1

  2. No Shepherds but Wise Men Matthew 2

  3. John The Baptist: Voice, Preparer, Preacher, Rebuker, and Baptizer Matthew 3

  4. Jesus Begins His Ministry Matthew 4

  5. The Sermon on The Mount Matthew 5

  6. Alms, Prayers, Fast, Riches and Anxiety Woes Matthew 6

  7. There Are Only 2 Evil or Good, Life or Death Matthew 7

  8. Pork Bellies and Deviled Ham Is Worth More Than Jesus Matthew 8

  9. A Great Faith Chapter Matthew 9

  10. The Disciples Sent Out Matthew 10

  11. Hardly Anybody Repented At Jesus' Works Matthew 11

  12. Unpardonable Sin and Wicked Pharisees Matthew 12

  13. Offended Matthew 13

  14. Five Loaves and Two Fishes Matthew 14

  15. Rebuking, Healing, and Feeding Matthew 15

  16. Jesus Foretells His Suffering, Death, and Resurrection Matthew 16

  17. Up On The Mountain Matthew 17

  18. Forgiveness, Seventy Times Seven Matthew 18

  19. How To Get A Camel Through A Needle's Eye Matthew 19

  20. Going To Calvary, Stopping For 2 Blind Men Matthew 20

  21. The Chief Priest be Damned For Rejecting Jesus Matthew21

  22. Stupid Question and Wonderful Answers Matthew22

  23. Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Matthew23

  24. Tribulation, Not Church Rapture Matthew 24

  25. Virgins, Servants, Sheep, and Goats Matthew25

  26. 12 Hours: Last Supper, Garden Prayers, Being a Prisoner, In Court, and Denial Matthew26

  27. Death, Burial, and Resurrection Matthew27

  28. Religion Ends At The Tomb; Christianity Begins At The Empty Tomb Matthew28

  29. The Book Of The Generation Of Jesus Christ. Matthew 1 

  30. The Birth Of Jesus Christ Matthew 1

  31.  Jesus, The Young Child… Matthew 2   

  32. From Two Years Old And Under Matthew 2 

  33. …Came John The Baptist… Matthew 3                 

  34. Lust, Pride, and Temptations. Matthew 4                    

  35. A Kingdom... Jesus Begins To Preach. Matthew 4     

  36. Blessed Are… Matthew 5   

  37. Salt and Light. Matthew 5    

  38. Jesus And The Law; Committing Murder Or Being Angry, And Forgiveness. Matthew 5        

  39. Adultery. Matthew 5    

  40. Swearing And The Extra Mile. Matthew 5       

  41. Alms And Prayer. Matthew 6 

  42.  Fasting and Treasures and The Eye And Two Masters. Matthew 6               

  43. Anxiety, The Father Cares. Matthew 6                     

  44.  Judge Not, That Ye Be Not Judged. Matthew 7     

  45. A.S.K. And Golden Rule. Matthew 7              

  46. The Broad Way, The Strait, and Narrow, Wolves’ Fruit. Matthew 7                         

  47. Not All Go To Heaven. The Two Foundations. Matthew 7    

  48. Leper, Centurion’s Servant, and Peter’s Mother-In-Law Healings. Matthew 8       

  49. Deviled Ham and Pork Bellies Off The Clift They Went. Matthew 8     

  50. The Healing of The Palsy and The Calling of Matthew. Matthew 9                         

  51. Jairus’ Daughter Lives and The Woman Diseased With an Issue of Blood, healed. Matthew 9                                

  52. The Twelve Disciples Instructed And Sent. Matthew 10                                     

  53.  …There Hath Not Risen A Greater Than John The Baptist… Matthew 11             

  54. Take My Yoke Upon You… Matthew 11                      

  55. The Sabbath Day. Matthew 12  

  56. The Unpardonable Sin Is… Matthew 12                  

  57. Idle Word. Matthew 12         

  58. Give Us A Sign. Matthew 12     

  59. The Sower and The Seed. Matthew 13                   

  60. The Wheat and Tares and Mustard Seed Matthew 13    

  61. The Leaven In The Meal and The Wheat and Tares Explained. Matthew 13       

  62. The Treasure, The Pearl, The Net, and Rejected Again in Nazareth. Matthew 13          

  63. Happy Deadly Birthday. Matthew 14                     

  64. Jesus Gets 12 From 5 and 2 For About 5000. Matthew 14    

  65. Only One Stepped Out In The Storm. Matthew 14          

  66. A Defiled Heart. Matthew 15   

  67. The Greek Mother Cries Out For Her Daughter. Matthew 15 

  68. Healings and Feeding 4,000 Plus                            

  69. Pharisees Seek A Sign and Thier Leavened Doctrine. Matthew 16                  

  70. The Christ, The Son of God, and Christ's Church. Matthew 16                            

  71. The First 'Pope' Is Satan and Jesus Tells of His Suffering and Death. Matthew 16               

  72. The Transfiguration of Christ. Matthew 17 

  73. Elias Did Come and The Lunatick Son. Matthew 17          

  74. The Gospel and The Tribute. Matthew 17               

  75. Little Children and The Lost Sheep. Matthew 18                   

  76. Trespassed and Dealing With It. Seventy Times Seven. Matthew 18                      

  77. Forgive Me But Pay Me. Matthew 18               

  78. Divorce and Castration. Matthew 19                           

  79. The Young Rich Ruler. Matthew 19                     

  80. The Christian Service, Is Rewarded In The Kingdom, But The Rich Man May Not Get Saved. Matthew 19             

  81. A Penny For All. Matthew 20 

  82. Jesus Tells of His Death and Resurrection. The Request of James and John's Mother. Matthew 20   

  83. Jesus Tells of His Death and Resurrection. The Request of James and John's Mother. Matthew 20                     

  84. The Indignation of The Disciples and The Two Blind Receive Sight. Matthew 20     

  85. The Ass and The Colt. Matthew 21                                 

  86. Overturning Tables and Fig Tree Cursed. Matthew 21          

  87. Who Gives You The Authority? The Two Sons Both Called To Work. Matthew 21         

  88. The Vineyard and Its Evil Husbandmen. Matthew 21    

  89. The Rejected Invitation. Matthew 22                    

  90. Jesus Would Never Have Joined The Tea Party Movement Matthew 22     

  91. The Sad Sadducees Know Nothing. Matthew 22          

  92. The Great Commandment In The Law. Matthew 22       

  93. A Title of No Authority. Matthew 23                   

  94. Woe Unto You Scribes, Pharisees, and Catholics. Matthew 23                                

  95. This Gospel of The Kingdom Shall Be Preached. Matthew 24                                       

  96. Matthew's Tribulation. Matthew 24                               

  97. The Coming of The Son of Man. Matthew 24                 

  98. The Ten Virgins Are Not The Church. Matthew 25                 

  99. Have You Got Talent? Use It For God. Matthew 25           

  100. The Jews Are Helped During the Tribulation. Matthew 25     

  101. The Pre-Gospel Message and Judas' Anger. Matthew 26     

  102. The Last Passover. Matthew 26                                     

  103. Gethsemane. Matthew 26      

  104. Jesus Before The Sanhedrin and Peter Before The Fire. Matthew 26                     

  105. I Have Sinned In That I Have Betrayed The Innocent Blood. Matthew 27                       

  106. Barabbas. Matthew 27         

  107. The Wrong Robe. Matthew 27  

  108. The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Matthew 27                         

  109. The Confirmed Death and Burial of Jesus Christ. Matthew 27                                        

  110. For He Is Risen! Matthew 28   

  1. Israel Is A Sick Nation When Jesus Came Mark1

  2. Nitpicking Jesus and His Disciples Mark2

  3. Rejection By The Religions Mark3

  4. Listen, Sow, Parables, and a Storm Mark4

  5. The Number 12 of Mark 5

  6. How On Earth Did He Make 12 Baskets From 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes Mark6

  7. Doctrine of Government and Religion, Jesus Said Beware of Mark8

  8. Money Cannot Save You, Only God Can Mark10

  9. Clean The Temple, Jesus Has Mark11

  10. Does Jesus Know Your State Mark12

  11. The End Times Mark13

  12. From Supper to Cock Crowing Mark14

  13. Last 24 Hours of Jesus' Life Mark15

  14. Christianity Begins At The Empty Tomb Mark16

  15. The Gospel of Mark. Jesus as Servant. Mark 1                    

  16. The Beginning of Jesus' Ministry. Mark 1                 

  17. Our Saviour, Jesus, Prays and Heals. Mark 1                   

  18. Let Down The Bed and The Tax Collector. Mark 2       

  19. Fasting, Cloth, Bottles, and The Sabbath. Mark 2                   

  20. A Withered Hand. Mark 3   

  21. The Twelve Chosen. Mark 3    

  22. No Forgiveness Ever For This One Sin. Mark 3            

  23. The Sower and The Seed. Mark 4                       

  24. The Candle, Growth, and Mustard Seed. Mark 4     

  25. The Sleeping Jesus and The Deviled Ham. Mark 4 and 5   

  26. Twelve-Year Menorrhagia and the Dead Daughter at Twelve, Mark 5                     

  27. Unbelief in Nazareth and The Twelve Sent Out. Mark 6     

  28. A Daughter, Mother, and Murder. Mark 6            

  29. The Miracle of Five Loaves and Two Fishes. Mark 6             

  30. Walking On The Sea. Mark 6   

  31. Wash Your Hands. Mark 7      

  32. You Are A Dog and The Deaf and Dumb Man. Mark 7      

  33. Bread Enough For All From The Fewest. Mark 8           

  34. Trees. Mark 8                  

  35. The Christ and He Will Be Rejected and Killed. Mark 8   

  36. Shining. Mark 9             

  37. The Lunatic Son. Mark 9    

  38. I Am The Greatest. No. I Am The Greatest! Mark 9         

  39. Jesus Warns of Fiery Hell. Mark 9                    

  40. Divorce. Mark 10                 

  41. Little Children and Rich Young Ruler. Mark 10                  

  42. The Desire of James and John. Mark 10                             

  43. The Blind Beggar Receives His Sight. Mark 10                         

  44. Hosanna. Mark 11                       

  45. The Fruitless Fig Tree and The Den of Thieves. Mark 11          

  46. Jerusalem, God's Vineyard. Mark 12                                 

  47. A Loaded Question. Mark 12   

  48. The Two Commands. Love. Mark 12                                   

  49. Jesus is God. Mark 12       

  50. What Shall Be The Sign.. Mark 13                                           

  51. The Great Tribulation. Mark 1

  52. Appropriate Times. Mark 13      

  53. Broken For Jesus. Mark 14   

  54. The Price and  The Preparation. Mark 14                 

  55. The Passover and The First Lord's Supper.  Mark 14          

  56. Smite The Shepherd. Peter Will Deny Jesus. Mark 14                

  57. The Three Prayers. Mark 14     

  58. The Kiss and The Sword. Mark 14              

  59. Religion Buffets God. Mark 14  

  60. The Cock Crowed. Mark 14

  61. Jesus and Pilate. Mark 1

  62. Barabbas. Mark 15   

Matt Mark Luke
  1. Jesus Is God John1

  2. From A Wedding to The Temple John2

  3. Flesh and Spirit, Evil or Truth, Hate or Come John3

  4. Salvation to One and to Others John4

  5. Life, Death, and Jesus is God and God is Jesus John4,5

  6. Jesus Is God by the Word John5

  7. We Want Bread From Jesus but Not Jesus John6

  8. The Mass of Rebellion Against God John6

  9. They Hate Jesus John7

  10. I Am God, Said Jesus John8

  11. Occults and Religion John9

  12. The Shepherd and HIs Sheep John10

  13. For Resurrection, He Must Die John11

  14. Coming Into Jerusalem and Rejected By The Jews John12

  15. Even Judas Was of The Twelve John13

  16. The Father, The Son, Holy Ghost 1x1x1=1 John14

  17. The Love of Jesus John15

  18. The Comforter Will Come John16

  19. The Lord's Prayer Jn17

  20. From Dusk to Cock Crow It's A Long Night For Jesus John18

  21. Jesus The King of The Jews John19

  22. Christianity John20

  23. Too Many Book If All The Accounts John21

  24. Who Is John

  25. The Beginning

  26. Eyewitnesses Of Jesus Christ

  27. Glory And Honour And Power

  28. God Creator Jesus In Him Was Life

  29. Jesus Christ Image Light And Life And God And Creator

  30. Jesus Christ The Light And The Darkness The Evil

  31. Man That Is In Darkness, The Hope That Is In The Light.

  32. The Darkness Destiny And The Light Of The Gospel Witness

  33. Light Vs Light Jesus Vs Satan

  34. Light Vs Light Jesus Vs Satan II

  35. Every Man Is Born With This

  36. God Gave, Men Believe Or Believe Not Light Or Darkness

  37. Light To The People At Mars Hill

  38. Darkness To Light And Light To Darkness

  39. Deceitful Heart John 1

  40. The Heart

  41. How To Be Wise And Not Be Stupid

  42. First Advent

  43. Jesus Christ Is Jewish

  44. Jesus Being Rejected By His Brethren

  45. Not All Are Going To Heaven

  46. Received Him

  47. Many, Not All, Will Receive Jesus

  48. All About The Father, God

  49. The Sons Of God

  50. The Bride Of Christ

  51. The Rapture

  52. The Church Is Not A Building

  53. The Gospel And The New Birth

  54. The Sinless Perfection Of Jesus Christ

  55. The Blood Of Jesus Christ

  56. Nor Of The Will Of The Flesh

  57. God's Will For Man

  58. Of God

  59. The World Hated Jesus First

  60. God In The Flesh

  61. He Dwelt Among Us

  62. Marvelous Grace

  63. Full Of Truth

  64. For He Was Before Me

  65. The Angel Of The LORD

  66. The Priesthood

  67. The Law and The Prophets

  68. The Man Elijah

  69. Moses, That Prophet

  70. Moses And Elijah

  71. All About Baptism

  72. Behold The Lamb Of God

  73. Jesus Was Before John The Baptist

  74. LIKE As A Dove

  75. Baptism Recap

  76. Not What You Thought Baptism Really Was!

  77. The Lamb Of God And Other Lambs

  78. Satan's Tools with Eve

  79. Satan's Three Tools on King David and Jesus Christ

  80. Temptations

  81. Andrew

  82. Messias and The Christ

  83. Philip - A Soul Winner

  84. Nathanael and the Fig Tree

  85. The Marriage of Cana

  86. What Jesus Did In The Temple. John 2

  87. The Pharisees 

  88. Nicodemus

  89. The New Birth

  90. Spiritual Birth

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