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  1. Another Son In Rebellion Against David I Kings 1

  2. Solomon Is Now The King I Kings 1

  3. Solomon Takes The Throne After David Dies I Kings 2

  4. Unrest In The Kingdom, Go To Mother and Not The Son I Kings 2

  5. Hang On Joab, You Will Die I Kings 2

  6. He Rode Away To Death I Kings 2

  7. Solomon Marries The Wrong Woman and Prays For Wisdom The Harlot's Baby I Kings 3

  8. All About Solomon I Kings 4

  9. Hiram A Source of Trees for the Temple I Kings 5

  10. Solomon Builds The Temple I Kings 6

  11. The Oracle I Kings 6

  12. Solomon's Temple I Kings 7

  13. The Ark of The Covenant is Finally Home I Kings 8

  14. Solomon's Prayer and Dedication of The Temple I Kings 8

  15. Solomon's Closing Prayer I Kings 8

  16. Response and Warning of Jehovah I KIng 9

  17. A Visit By A Queen I Kings 10

  18. 700 Wives and 300 Concubines, Turned Away Heart I Kings 11

  19. The New Garment Rented into Twelve Pieces I Kings 11

  20. Whips and Scorpions and Unholy Priest Religion I Kings 12

  21. The Ass, The Prophet, and The Lion I Kings 13

  22. Jeroboam Seeks God Not His Gods I Kings 14

  23. Egypt Takes Back What Israel Borrowed I Kings 14 and II Chronicles 12

  24. Civil War War of Religion I Kings 15 II Chronicles 13

  25. Asa, A Good King Gone Bad I Kings 15

  26. Rebellion, Conspires, Provocation, In Israel I Kings 15

  27. An Unsettled Kingdom I Kings 16

  28. Samaria, Foundation of Ahab and Jezebel I Kings 16

  29. Up Shows Elijah I Kings 17

  30. Resurrection, May Be The First I Kings 17

  31. In Search For Grass I Kings 18

  32. Invitation To A Challenge God vs Baal I Kings 18

  33. Roll Out The Barrels For God I Kings 18

  34. Stormy Run Like A Flash I Kings 18

  35. Take My Life and Let Me Be I Kings 19

  36. Take My Money and My Family For Peace I Kings 20

  37. Israel Victory Over Syrian Benhadad I Kings 20

  38. Their gods of The Hills or Plains are Still Losers I Kings 20

  39. You Let Him Go Rebel Against God I Kings 20

  40. Murder Charges Husbands Dog Food Ahab's Crime and Repentance I Kings 21

  41. The Devil, The Lying Spirit Source of Lies I Kings 22

  42. Ahab Trust Not His Prophets To Death I Kings 22

  43. End of I Kings I Kings 22

  1. Biblical Families Trees I Chronicles 1

  2. Roots of Israel Jacob of Judah I Chronicles 2

  3. The Sons of David I Chronicles 3

  4. The family of Judah I Chronicles 4

  5. Simeon and his families and lands I Chronicles 4

  6. The Family and Captivity of Reuben I Chronicles 5

  7. The Family of Levi and Service To God and David I Chronicles 6

  8. Sons of Jacob and The Sons of Joseph I Chronicles 7

  9. The Family of Benjamin and King Saul I Chronicles 8

  10. The priest, Levites, Porters Back In Jerusalem I Chronicles 9

  11. The Family of King Saul and Jonathan I Chronicles 9

  12. The Death of King Saul and His Sons I Chronicles 10

  13. The City of David I Chronicles 11

  14. David's Mighty Men I Chronicles 11

  15. David's Israelite Army I Chronicles 12

  16. USO Unidentified Sound Object in the Tops of The Mulberry Trees I Chronicles 14

  17. Preparing To Do The Right Way I Chronicles 15

  18. Heman, Asaph, and Ethan I Chronicles 15

  19. The Ark Is Settled in Jerusalem I Chronicles 15

  20. Thanks, David's Psalm I Chronicles 16 and Psalm 105

  21. Attendance To The Ark I Chronicles 16

  22. The Covenants I Chronicles 17

  23. Dispensations I Chronicles 17

  24. Davidic Covenant I Chronicles 17

  25. David Response I Chronicles 17

  26. David and His Kingdom I Chronicles 18

  27. The Ashamed Men of David I Chronicles 19

  28. David Is Crowned I Chronicles 20

  29. Incomplete Census I Chronicles 21

  30. Chose One of The Three Things I Chronicles 21

  31. The Temple Mount, Mt Moriah, Threshingfloor of Ornan I Chronicles 21

  32. Now Its Ornan Threshing Floor I Chronicles 21

  33. Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding of Solomon I Chronicles 22

  34. Priests Orders I Chronicles 24

  35. David and His Song Leaders I Chronicle 25

  36. Porters Gates Treasures Officers and Judges I Chronicles 26

  37. Courses and Offices I Chronicles 27

  38. David Transfers The Design To Solomon I Chronicles 28

  39. The Suppliers of the Supplies I Chronicles 29

I Sam I Kin I Chr
  1. David Hears That Saul and Jonathan Have Died II Samuel 1

  2. David's Family and The Story of the Death of Asahel II Samuel 2

  3. All Israel and Judah Put Under David II Samuel 3

  4. Thou Shalt Not Kill Except Wartime II Samuel 3

  5. Beheaded In Bed II Samuel 4

  6. David King of All Israel II Samuel 5

  7. David Did It Wrong At First II Samuel 6

  8. Davidic Covenant II Samuel 7 and I Chr 17

  9. David and His Response II Samuel 7 and I Chr 17

  10. David and His Kingdom are Growing II Samuel 8 and II Chr 18

  11. David and Mephibosheth II Samuel 9 A Type of God, Jesus, Holy Spirit and Christian

  12. War Over A Lie II Samuel 10

  13. Two Men Away From Battle II Samuel 11

  14. The Death Letter II Samuel 11

  15. Repentance of David II Samuel 12

  16. A Baby Dies and A Another Is Born II Samuel 12

  17. Raped II Samuel 13

  18. Joab Hires An Actress II Samuel 14

  19. Absalom, Type of Antichrist II Samuel 14

  20. Absalom and Lucifer's Act Over The Throne and Kingdom II Samuel 14

  21. David On The Run II Samuel 15

  22. David Is Cursed and Pelted With Stones and Dust II Samuel 16

  23. The Two Counsels II Samuel 17

  24. Suicide Because His Counsel Was Not Taken II Samuel 17

  25. The Runners II Samuel 18

  26. Bringing The King Back II Samuel 19

  27. Shimei II Samuel 19

  28. Mephibosheth II Samuel 19

  29. Barzillai II Samuel 19

  30. Amasa II Samuel 20

  31. Sheba and His Head Departed II Samuel 20

  32. Rizpah II Samuel 21

  33. Goliath and His Brothers are His Own Sons II Samuel 21

  34. Psalm of Deliverance II Samuel 22

  35. The Devil Made Me Do It II Samuel 24

  36. Three Choices of Punishment II Samuel 24

  37. The Title Deed to the Most Holy Place II Samuel 24

  1. Wisdom Knowledge But No Understanding II Chronicles 1

  2. Preparation For The Temple Building II Chronicles 2

  3. Gold Everywhere II Chronicles 3

  4. Brightness. II Chronicles 4

  5. The Heaven In Solomon's Temple II Chronicles 5

  6. Dedication and Prayer. II Chronicles 6

  7. The What Ifs of Solomon's Prayer II Chronicles 6

  8. The Feast of Tabernacles II Chronicles 7

  9. God Answers Solomon and His Prayer II Chronicles 7

  10. Cannot Bring Your Sin Home. II Chronicles 8

  11. Throne of Ivory and Lions II Chronicles 9

  12. The Nation Torn Into Two II Chronicles 10

  13. Many Wives II Chronicles 11

  14. From Gold to Brass Shields II Chronicles 12

  15. Civil War II Chronicles 13

  16. Reformation II Chronicles 14

  17. Reliance On Man and Not God II Chronicles 16

  18. Affinity With The Enemy II Chronicles 18

  19. One Man With The Word of God and Four Hundred Are Of Satan II Chronicles 18

  20. It's A Sin To Disguise II Chronicles 18

  21. Justice and Judges and Judgment II Chronicles 19

  22. Army Wins The Navy Loses II Chronicles 20

  23. Incurable Bowel Disease II Chronicles 21

  24. The First Wicked Family In Israel and Judah II Chronicles 22

  25. Where Did He Come From Treason Treason II Chronicles 23

  26. Fixed and Broken II Chronicles 24

  27. Go Home II Chronicles 25

  28. Loser gods II Chronicles 25

  29. Good King Gone To Leprosy II Chronicles 26

  30. Jotham II Chronicles 27

  31. Utter Rejection of God II Chronicles 28

  32. The Revival and Restoration II Chronicles 29

  33. The Passover Kept II Chronicles 30

  34. Restoration II Chronicles 31

  35. 6,660,000,000 Dead of 170 Million II Chronicles 32

  36. Even A Good Man Sins With Pride II Chronicles 32

  37. Josiah Cleans The House and Land II Chronicles 34

  38. The Found Book by a Lost Nation II Chronicles 34

  39. No Passover Like II Chronicles 35

II Sam II Ki II Chr
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